Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Damit Laura

well i have oficialy been hooked on firefly. sigh. as much as i don't need another destraction but that is exactly what I've got. gun fights, fist fights, bar fights and even sword fights, yet despite all that there is still honor and science fiction.

now why can't SYFY come up with stuff like that not to say what they come up with isn't fantastick, but this is a different bread of fantastick.


  1. Firefly is a whole breed of awesome. Welcome to the world of flandom. Flan flan flan flan; flan is a funny word.

  2. hahaha! and here i was just thinking of indoctrinating you into the world of the browncoats. :) great minds and all that...

  3. Laura u have been telling me i should watch firefly since i met you.

  4. Have not! I didn't know about firefly when i met you...

  5. really! i thought you were born knowing about firefly
